Questions Everyone Faces During a Home Inspection
There are many buyers who are not sure whether to do a home inspection or not. Sometimes a buyer also expects a lot more out of the inspection than a home inspector can provide as per regulations and in the following sections we will look at some such common questions you will also face while buying a house and using inspection services.
Why is it necessary to have a home inspection?
There are several functional systems in a house and it is probable that some of them might not be working, so an inspection will tell you the condition of the house before you purchase it.
How much time does such an inspection take?
The answer to this question will largely depend upon the condition as well as size of house. Normally, a 2,500 sq.ft. home can be inspected in around three hours and if the reports will be created in your home itself then it will consume another thirty to forty minutes.
Is it necessary to have an inspection for every house?
Although according to laws it is not necessary but for your own interest you should get home inspection done. It will save you from costly repair work on the house after buying and moving into it.
What are the things that are not part of home inspection?
Many believe that such an inspection covers detailed analysis of all parts of the house but it is not actually so. There are pre-defined guidelines (ASHI & INACHI) about what is covered in an examination and home inspectors have to follow them.
Is radon test necessary?
In some part of the country it is certainly necessary to get the radon test done. Radon gas generally seeps in from foundation holes as well as cracks and is known as a major cause of lungs cancer. A NEHA or NRSB trained inspector will be able to easily perform the test.
Is an inspection required if it is a new house?
It may be surprising for you but more problems are found in new houses as compared to old ones. Such problems could be due to builder's negligence or incompletion of some of the installation tasks resulting in development of problems in the house.
Let builder inspect or hire a professional inspector?
If a new residence is being built and builder assures you that all things will be inspected properly, there are chances that many of the important things will be missed out. Thus you need to hire an actual inspector to make four to six interim checks to know if everything is being done properly or not.
What kind of report you should expect?
Reports are nowadays computer generated that contain digital pictures and can be 40 page long. These provide detailed information about the existing problem and are easier to comprehend in comparison to earlier handwritten reports.
To conclude we will say that here we have listed some of the common questions which come to mind of every buyer and will certainly help you develop a clear picture about what to expect and not to expect from a home inspection.
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