Common Problems Found During a Home Inspection
What are some of the common problems that a home inspection has uncovered to the surprise of unsuspecting buyers? There are many that can affect the habitability of a home, not to mention the safety. The inspection, even if it is not required should be performed anyway. This is the only way you are going to have the peace of mind that a home inspection can provide.
The person conducting the home inspection has no interest in whether the home passes the inspection or not. They are simply looking at all the different aspects of the home to determine if it is a safe home in which to live.
What are Some of the Most Common Problems?
There are common problems they will look for first. Often the roof is the culprit when it comes to causing major problems. Many roofers in the tend to shingle over existing shingles. This can trap water causing the shingles to deteriorate or the flashing can be loose. The rafters or roof trusses can become weak and begin to give in places.
More common problems especially in certain areas are the foundation can develop cracks. There may be water marks that will be a sure sign of trouble. These may be common problems uncovered by the home inspection, but they are not small by any means and they can be expensive to fix.
Another item that is often not replaced until it quits working is the heating and air conditioning. If the system is old, it should have been replaced before now. The older the system the more likely the chance it will break down when it is needed. Older systems are also hard to find parts for and this means spending more money right away to replace this system.
The home inspection will include the wiring of the home. Many homes that were built before the 1970's do not have the grounded outlets that automatically turn off if something goes wrong. The doors and windows of a home are another common area that have been discovered by many inspectors. If they do not open and close correctly, it can be due to the walls.
When checking the pipes of the home, often a leak will be found. The homeowner may not be aware of a leak if it is a smaller one. But small leaks can lead to more serious problems and before you know it, you will need to replace flooring.
Other common problems can include simple things that should be replaced by routine maintenance. If a window develops a crack, this should be taken care of when it is first noticed. All of these things can hurt the chances of selling your home when an inspection is done. The driveway should not be developing cracks nor should the sidewalk that leads to your entrance.
Are there signs of infestations? The home inspection will include this in their checklist of problems associated with the house. Termite damage is another common problem. They will often check to determine if these pests are present. There are several areas of the home inspection that will uncover minor problems that you will probably negotiate and still purchase the home. However, if the inspection reveals major problems, it is time to walk away because you will spend more money than is worthwhile by having to repair your home.
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