A Home Inspection to Protect Your Children
How safe is the home you are buying? This is a question that every parent should ask themselves before they close on a property. For dad, who is commonly considered the repair man, this might be a really important question. If you don't have the time, money or desire to do a lot of unexpected repairs after you move in, then a home inspection should be on your to-do list.
If you have children you will be raising in the house, then you know the feeling of concern and worry about their well-being. You want them to be safe and to feel comfortable whenever they're in the house. They will take their safety for granted but you shouldn't.
The feeling of safety should not be taken for granted. The state or condition of a dwelling can vary widely and even newly constructed homes can have issues. You want your place to have a feeling of being nurtured and taken care of.
One cannot feel relaxed and comfortable when they realize that they are living in a place with hazards. Having a feeling of contentment and happiness while in your home is dependent in your sense of safety while there.
And that's why it's more important than ever to have the place inspected before you proceed to settlement.
But what exactly is an inspection and how can it conserve that feeling of comfort and safety.
Simply put, it's a process where trained professionals review and examine the residence. Through their visual analysis from the backyard to the basement, they are able to distinguish what portions are safe, what portions are dangerous, and what areas require caution or at the very least observation over the next few months or years.
A home inspection therefore encompasses a number of utilities and systems. Generally it is broad enough to encompass, foundations, walls, ceiling, roofing, plumbing, drainage, wiring, electrical, and even equipment.
The inspection only takes a few hours depending on how many square feet your property is. The inspector will encourage you to be there during the process so that you can ask questions and become informed about the house you will be living in.
During the inspection he will examine the property and identify repairs that are needed, maintenance that is needed, items that are not installed properly, and potential safety issues. This will be documented in the report you receive including pictures to show you the items.
With the information you receive during the walk-through and from the report you will be able to determine what issues, if any, should be addressed with the seller. Items may be identified that you want the seller to repair or you may negotiate price concessions to compensate for the work that must be done.
You will be informed of any issues that could impact the safety of your children.
You will know what items require immediate attention to protect their well-being. Not only will a trained professional be able to spot issues, he will also be able to asses the seriousness of the issue. So by the time your service is completed you will know what must be taken care of.
And if there are no major issues identified, you will have the peace of mind of knowing you protected your children by having their new home examined by a trained professional.
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