Home Inspection: Why Do You Really Need It?
Buying a home can be quite exciting. It doesn't matter if you are a first time home buyer or not. Buying a home is always exhilarating. You get to choose new paint colours. You get to shop for floor coverings and hire someone to install new cabinets, doors and windows. In all the excitement, there is one thing that you can't afford to forget. You need to remember to get a home inspection. It's always best to have a professional inspector go through the home with a fine tooth comb and make sure that you're investing your money well.
Why do you really need a home inspection? Of course, there is the obvious reason. A home or property inspection will help you determine the structural strength of a home. Through the inspection report, you will know whether to buy the property or not. So, are there any equally great reasons why you really need to get a property inspected before you purchase it?
Newly-Built Homes are Not without Structural Issues
Contrary to what you may think, newly-built homes may have all sorts of structural issues or problems. This is not surprising considering how homes are built. Building a home requires the service of different subcontractor. There are different people working on different areas. Every now and then, they would consult with one another, but often something would slip by them or would go unnoticed. This results to problems or issues with the newly-constructed home.
With many things going on at once, it can be difficult for the builder to be on top of things and monitor all aspects of the construction process. Often, the problems are small but are overlooked. Some of these problems include a broken roof panel, carbon monoxide leaking through the HVAC unit, a small roof drip, water leaking into the basement, small ventilation space, organic growth on wood and damaged door or window framing. The only to make sure that nothing slips by you is to get a home inspection - a thorough one. With the best property inspector, there is no reason why you will miss all these possible problems.
Government Inspections are Different from Home Inspections
Just because you already had a home inspection conducted by the local government agency, this does not mean that you've had a complete building inspection. The job of the government inspector is to make sure that the building has complied with all applicable regulations and building codes. Although the government inspector may do his best, there are factors beyond his control. Problems may arise after he leaves your house. There may be problems that may not necessarily be violations of the building code, but are problems nonetheless. Inspectors do not bother with the quality of workmanship as long as the work complies with the building codes. A property inspector will do all the work that a government inspector won't.
Even if you are planning to live in your new home for the rest of your life, something may happen that could force you to sell your house in the future. Problems that date back to the construction of the property may be unearthed or discovered. At this point, it will be too late to get the original builder involved. You will have to deal with this problem yourself. So, it is better to fix the problem now than in the future.