Home Inspection Checklists
When you think of buying or selling a home, it is typical that a home inspection will be conducted. Home inspection is a walk-through of you home in order to scrutinize the condition of the property. This helps to identify problems that might become significant during the transfer of ownership of the home. A professional inspector usually conducts this. But before you hire a professional home inspector, you can inspect your own home using a home inspection checklist. This way, you can spot potential problems that you can discuss with the inspector later.
A good home inspection checklist will help you remember things as you walk through your property and look for potential problems. You should include in your list all the items inside and outside your house, and as you walk around, check each item and make some notes. You can check the exterior, the basement or crawlspace, furnace and air conditioning, plumbing system, electrical system, kitchen, windows, doors, fireplace, roof and attic.
Organize your checklist by different areas of your home, and it is to start at the outside and make your way inside. All the items included in your list should be checked if they are in very good, fair or poor conditions. Take notes if you notice something odd or if you smell something funny, or if a gutter is coming loose on the side of the house. No matter how small or how big the flaw, it is important that you take note before the professional inspector enters the scene.
Usually, when you plan to buy your dream house, you tend to overlook some details of the home because you are too overjoyed to have it, only to realize later that the property you bought is not your dream home at all. So you really have to be wise, and start by having a home inspection done before you close any deal.
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