Home Inspections - Good Idea or Waste of Money?
Have you ever wondered if doing a Home Inspection was a good idea? Or are you afraid that it is just a waste of money and time? How do you know when you need a Home Inspection?
All good questions, glad you asked.
Here's what I have found to be fairly accurate. If you are buying a house, an investment property, a place that seems like it needs a lot of work but you really aren't sure what it is going to need better-safe-than-sorry. I recommend a Home Inspector. That old saying comes to mind, "buyer be ware".
You don't need to be afraid, but you do need to be educated especially in this crazy market. Know what you are getting into!
Here's what I look for in a home inspector and you should too:
Call them, have a friendly chat, ask some questions.
Call several! How did they respond to you?
Were they nice, were they professional, did they call you back in a timely manner?
1. How long have they been in business?
2. Do they have a website, any brochures?
3. Are they licensed in the state you are purchasing property in?
4. Is that license current? When does it expire?
5. Do they go on the roof, do they take pictures?
6. Do they guarantee their work? For how long?
7. How much are they going to charge you?
8. What forms of payment do they take?
9. Explain exactly what you will do on a home-inspection.
If they take forever to call you back-ask yourself is this someone I can trust to show up on time? Were they rude to you? Do you really want to work with a rude jerk? Not me!
I like to work with someone who has some personality, who has been in some type of construction industry, someone who knows how to do home projects, some-one who understands how important I am and how important my clients are and how important their accuracy is!
Don't forget, as Your Realtor, I may need their report to negotiate a better price for you! And I need that report to be reputable!
If you are going to buy a short-sale property I recommend a Home Inspection be done right away. It will cost you to have it done, but I suggest that you do it before bank approval. Do you really want to wait 3-9month's to find out that there is something wrong and now you don't want the property? Besides, most agents will ask that you do all your inspections prior to bank approval... remember it's hurry up and wait on a short-sale! But at least you are doing your part to get it to closing faster and it is one more thing off the checklist!
Now if the darn banks would act as fast as we do the housing market would become really, really stable as would the economy!! Oh, well dare to dream! I can not control the banks or how they control their short-sale process. I can, however, help you control your situation about a Home Inspection! So, here are some other thoughts that I would like to share with you:
· If it is new construction, with a good builder who doesn't appear to be going out of business for a long time, you may not need a home inspection, everything is new and usually guaranteed from the builder's home warranty.
· For all other types of properties, I suggest a Home Inspection as being a good idea. Even if you are handy, the value of a Home Inspection is priceless - if I have to prove something to the owner/bank/seller/investor/who-ever owns the property, they will NOT take your word for it they will have to take the word of the Home Inspection Service.
· If there is something wrong, much easier to get help with a Home Inspection report! I have the proof from a licensed professional.
So, good luck I hope this has helped a bit!
I am a licensed broker, who can help with all your Real Estate Needs, whether it's here in Illinois I'm your gal. If it's over there some-where, I will refer you to one of my colleges. We are after all world-wide. http://www.realtyexecutives.com/chrishowe
God Bless Always,
Christine Howe
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