Home Inspections: Get Your House in Order
Roughly 80% of home sales today involve a home inspection before settlement. Buyers want to know what they're buying. And that means sellers often face requests for major repairs, price cuts or certifications after an inspection.
It doesn't have to be that way. One way for sellers to lower their risk is to hire a qualified home inspector before they put their home on the market. A pre-listing inspection alerts sellers and their agents to issues that are likely to come up in a buyer's home inspection. Then they can decide -- on their timetable and budget -- what to do to get the home in shape to sell quickly and command top dollar.
Even without a pre-listing inspection, sellers can do many things to minimize surprises after a buyer's inspection. Here are 10 tips based on issues that come up frequently in home inspections.
Many of these steps are simply good home maintenance. Congratulations if you've been taking them all along. If not, taking them now could save you money, increase your sale price, and spare you a lot of aggravation.
Heating & cooling. Have your systems professionally cleaned, serviced and certified for safe operation. This is particularly important for older systems. Keep a record of the service visit. And if there's an air filter, make sure it's clean. That's a sign you're taking care of the system.
Water heaters. They last 10 years on average, and a home inspector will flag one near or beyond that age. If your heater's getting elderly, make sure it's not leaking or just producing lukewarm water. Also check for a drain tube from the safety valve on or near the top of the tank. A handy homeowner can install one for about $10; or hire a good handyman or plumber.
Roofing. You know this: If it leaks, get it fixed. Also get a roofer's opinion if you see missing, curling, cracked or broken shingles on a sloped roof. On flat roofs, trouble signs include poor drainage (look for "ponding" of water on the roof) and "alligatoring" (deep cracks) in the roofing material.
Drainage. Be sure rain gutters are properly sloped and clear of debris, downspouts are connected, and extensions or splash pans carry runoff at least 5 feet away from the house. If possible, grading should direct water away from the house, too. These are the easiest ways to prevent or minimize ...
Water in the basement. Sometimes it's not preventable, but it can be managed. Besides following the drainage recommendations, check for seepage through foundation cracks. These can be sealed. If you have a sump, make sure the pump works. Where does it discharge? Be sure the water drains far from the foundation, so it doesn't seep back inside. And if the basement's damp, consider a dehumidifier.
Crawlspaces. An inspector will want to see a vapor barrier over dirt floors and will check for water penetration, unsafe wiring, moisture and insect damage to wood and insulation, and water pipes in danger of freezing. You should, too. But be very careful or hire a pro; crawlspace inspection can be dirty and dangerous work.
Termites. If it's been years since your home was checked for wood-destroying insects and the damage they cause, it's time for another inspection. A "clean" report or a record of recent treatment gives you another attractive selling point.
Plumbing. Got a leak under the shower? Wobbly toilet? Leaking soil pipe? Corroded trap? Clogged drain? Home inspectors check for these; you should, too. Hire a plumber or handyman for anything you can't handle yourself.
Electrical. Have you piggy-backed an extra circuit or two onto the circuit breakers? Do extension cords run above the drop ceiling? Are wires hanging out of junction boxes? Do outlets near sinks lack ground-fault protection? These are hazards that a home inspector will flag. Most can be corrected easily -- by a licensed electrician. This is NOT work for amateurs.
Fireplace & flue. Fireplaces and flues should be swept and inspected at least every few years -- some more frequently -- to ensure safe ventilation and prevent fires. Have you consulted your chimney sweep recently?
One bonus suggestion: Keep records of work, service, warranties, inspections and certifications on your property. These can be great selling points, and they could answer questions and alleviate concerns after a buyer's home inspection.
Best of luck in selling your home!
©2006 John McQuiggan / Good Move Home Inspections, Abington, PA / http://www.goodmoveinspections.com
Reuse or reproduction freely permitted if copyright information and Web address are included.
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