The Absolute Importance of Home Inspections
Is it vital to inspect when buying home?
The home inspection process is considered unnecessary by many buyers - especially when buying a newly constructed home. If you are one of them then be prepared for spending thousands of dollars in repairing your home.
Does newly constructed home need inspection?
Generally, people believe that as the home is new, there is no need to invite any home inspector. Though you are buying a new home, there are chances of problems like, air-conditioning system is not working properly, the furnace is leaking carbon mono-oxide, light switch boards are out of order, etc.
What should home inspectors examine?
Home inspectors usually inspect the following items: Roof and attic; plumbing system; structural elements; electrical components; and home appliances.
Do not consider yourself as Genius
When a person is buying a home, he completes its inspection by himself. However, it is important to understand that there are many areas which you can't inspect on your own. You need an expert to show you the real picture.
For example, you can examine the roof which looks good and solid, but you can't test its strength unless you have proper training, tools, and experience.
Furthermore, there is a possibility that you might be aware of a problem in the home, but it is likely that you don't know about its severity or the cost for repair associated with it.
Change your perception
There are people who don't want to spend a few hundred dollars on the home inspection as they deem it is a useless or expensive process. But in reality, you are saving potential loss of thousands of dollars. You can take it as insurance where you pay upfront for a potential loss.
Ask your agent
You can ask your real estate agent to tell you about any good home inspector for your region or vicinity. You are dealing with the agent; thus, you can trust on the agent.
Good real estate agents always want to make or retain their customers for longer periods and don't compromise over honesty and quality service.
Home inspection also helps in negotiating and reducing price
If a home inspector reports that a home requires $3,000 for repairs then you can negotiate this with the seller - whether he/she fix all the issues or reduce the price of the home.
Hard to get any discount
If you don't inspect your home before the escrow, then you might not get the money back or any type of discount. Thus, always do it before the escrow by the help of an expert inspector who has been in the business for at least 3 years.
To conclude, we can utter that the home inspection is an essential act which must be performed before completing the deal; whether you are buying a used home or a fresh one, the home must be inspected by an expert to prevent the possible loss of thousands of dollars in terms of the repairs, which you might have to bear if you don't inspect the home before the escrow.
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