Home Inspection Business Diversification
Home inspection is a service business that has fluctuations in the amount of business that an inspector can expect to do. There are things that smart business owners can do so as to smooth out the low times of the year and to fill in any slow days.
The worst number in business is the number "one". By this I mean that to depend upon only one source of income or type of work or service that you leaves the business owner at a disadvantage. By being dependent on one source of income or type of work you do you are restricting the opportunities that are available to you. When a home inspector restricts his income to only home inspections for first time home buyers he is limiting the number of clients he can serve. Add the service of doing condo inspections and that person has added another income stream or service he can do.
There are several other services an inspector can add to the services he or she provides. Inspectors have all heard of done wood destroying insect inspections, radon, mold inspections, home energy audits, etc. These are important inspections that are conducted when a home is being purchased. These types of inspections are also vulnerable to the real estate market. What happens when the number of homes being sold decreases? The number of inspections for these other inspections decrease as well. However by being able to provide these other inspections you are closer to being a one-call-does-all solution and may not suffer as much of a decrease as that home inspector that does only home inspections for first time home buyers.
It is not necessary that a business would need to reduce the marketing that they do for the primary business so as to have an extra service to provide. The goal when adding a service is to increase overall the amount of work provided. This is done by maintaining the amount of primary work done and adding other services. Hopefully the other services added will not be vulnerable to the same influences that have effect on the primary service.
The Winter is traditionally a slower time of year for home inspections. This is especially true in colder climates. How would providing a service to current homeowners that would be of benefit to them during the cold weather or just before the cold weather really sinks in help your income? Such as Winter Preparation Inspections. This service may be especially beneficial to the elderly. There are other services that can be offered that are not in direct conflict to the neutrality that a home inspector is supposed to have in regards to a homes condition. Diversify your business and keep your income consistent. But as always you must market your home inspection business and any other services you offer.
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