Home Inspection - The Technology Involved!
In this era of technological innovation and with the advent of new technology almost every aspect of our lives has seen huge changes. That same thing applies to your profession too and if you are a home inspector then there are various technological advancements happening or have happened which can make your work easier, faster and of course manageable.
Let us talk about the home inspection report that is usually done after a home inspection. In the earlier era, you would write everything down on a piece of paper while doing the inspection and then go back to your office to prepare a report.Enter the home inspection software and you will always have software loaded onto a handheld device which will have preloaded templates for each type of building, checklists for managing the various tasks and types of inspections. Most of the handheld devices have cameras too for taking pictures as you inspect the building. Also there is in built flexibility to integrate the photographs with the report.
Another feature that you would need is compatibility and printing options. Most of the software can run on any platform. Also most of the software available in the market has the ability to send the report to a remote desktop connection or remoter printer for printing.Another must that most of the software should have is the technical articles covering a lot of subjects which are of great help when you are on the site doing the inspection.
Some of the features most commonly available in all the software are creation of summary report,configuration available on a room by room basis,ability have a logo or photo of the property inspected and also ability to create PDF documents.
So before selecting a report writing software make sure that it has all the features you need for your work and it should an addition to your arsenal not a burden using the software.
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